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Hi Friends, I have found a new airtel trick. The trick is to surf facebook and chat on facebook (full site ). REQUIREMENTS- 1) PC (its a pc trick) 2) mozilla firefox new version or 3) ENOUGH BALANCE TO LOGIN TO FACEBOOK ONE TIME and then Balance less than 30 paisa.For eg. YOU may have around 1 rupee in the begining 4) Access point : or mobile office settings I am writing../.. PLEASE WAIT Trick- 1) Using paid GPRS first log on to full site. Let the full site be displayed including the chat box. 2)Now save the web page as complete web page. (assuming you know how to save the web page.) 3)Now when your balance is less than 30 paise(YOUR PAID GPRS PLAN HAS FINISHED), just open that web page. YOU will see that you are able to chat and get latest (new) notifications. You can update your status, upload photos