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>>Great news:watch tv for free: Bsnl hellotv hack in bsnllive. Great hack of bsnl hellotv: By using bsnllive APN visit your balance below 5 go to hellotv option in bsnllive.netwapsite, then subscribe any channel pack you want. It will ask for confirmation as do you want to continue with the cost details, press yes, it will say subscription failed.don't worry. You can subscribe by simply editing the address of the error page. You need to change the price in the address to 0. For example if the address ishttp:// servId=143&mno=919440234567&servName=3JayaChannelsAt29&reqType= sdpServices&servType=Streaming&price=29&planperiod=Monthly&urlServReq=& servSubsriptionReq=&KEY=&headerPage=header.jsp&footerPage=footerr.jsp&descPage= Now just change the price to 0 (ie:price=29 to price=0) in the address. You have to change the address like this servId=143&mno=919440234567&servName=3JayaChannelsAt29&reqType= sdpServices&servType=streaming&price=0&planperiod=Monthly&urlServReq=& servSubsriptionReq=&KEY=&headerPage=header.jsp&footerPage=footerr.jsp&descPage= Now paste the new address inthe address bar and press go. Thats all now you will get as subscription success. You can subscribe any number of packs at no cost. Enjoy watching tv...there are 150 channels...... Note: 1.use phone's native browser only. 2.Important: keep balance below 5 rs otherwise your subscription will be done in your first attempt and balance will be reduced. 3.Go to, use onlybsnllive APN.only then you can open the wapsite. 4. Use bsnlstream APN in realplayer setting.other Apn like bsnlnet will not work. That it now subscribe any channel pack without any cost